Apples to Oranges
I believe every person in this world has one pet phrase which causes a rapid increase in their BP levels. It can be as simple as "I told you so” to some folks or a sentence filled with four letter words to some others. But for me the one phrase that has me gnashing my teeth is "You are comparing apples to oranges". As you may have rightly guessed I am in the IT Sector of a Financial company and on occasion have to interact with a certain overpaid and under qualified group of human(?) beings who go by the name of "Senior Management”. For some unfathomable reason this queer bunch always resort to using the phrase "Comparing Apples to Oranges" whenever anything faintly negative is to be conveyed. If you don't like somebody's solution to a problem a simple "Not feasible" will do , but alas simplicity is reserved only for low-life forms, superior beings need to always start their sentences with "Uh uh, cough-cough.... You are comparing ap...